Monday, January 21, 2008


If you do not have a mirror handy the title to this post is "Going Back In Time". That is just what this image is. I was on my way home from that Early Morning shoot of the sunrise and I had to stop off at the side of the road and snap this shot. There is nothing extraordinary about this image other than to set up the following thought.

How often have you had your DSLR sitting in the back seat, or your point and shoot in your coat pocket and went flying buy a scene and thought, "Wow, wouldn't that make a great shot?". That is exactly what I was doing on my way home that morning. My personal mission was to get the sunrise and that is what I had accomplished. Now onto the next task in a busy life.

While we are all familiar with the statement, "Stop and smell the roses." We image makers, photographers, light painters or what have you, must stop when the moment presents itself and spend that 1/500th of a second in life to capture some of the most stunning art offered by our creator.

So before that next great shot slips past you, don't stop and smell the roses... Stop and take the shot!


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