Wednesday, April 1, 2009

William Porter

This is William Porter. Why am I putting up a post of an individual? Actually there are three reasons why. First Bill was the one to encourage me to press forward with photography when it was a now and then kind of thing to me. So it is he that is responsible for my obsession with this wonderful craft. Secondly the pic-o-month for April is sitting on my CF card at home in the 5D2. There sits at least one great image I was abel to take last Saturday in Maryland. Finally but most importantly he is a great guy!

The photo above was take last year on a trip to Mt. Hood Oregon, it is an image of the quintessential landscape/nature photographer. Actually it amazed me that he did not kill himself walking around with his sticks open.

What is really funny is that I have known Bill for over 35 years and it was not until the past couple of years that we have really become close friends. I guess things can work out that way when you marry into a large family. Oh did I fail to mention, Bill is my brother-in-law.

So I am giving William Porter the honor of siting at the pic-o-month position on the blog... At least until I get home and find that great shot sitting in the 5D2.

Take care Bill, you are a friend.

Cya... Doug


Unknown said...

What an honor to be print of the month a a good friend!! Thank you so much. When you are with Doug and his computer, it is like having Scott Kelby giving you private lessons!!

ellen said...

wow, I think I shed a tear! This is a great pic of Bill! A true defining pic of a funny& serious guy! Nice tribute!

Doug Peek said...

Being on a trip with other photographers is special. To interact on a technical level as well as socially adds to the blessings in life.