Thursday, May 21, 2009

OMG It's a baby

So what is with the delinquent blogger. Have I been skipping class, calling in sick, or just slacking. Actually I am enjoying vacation time without really doing anything. After all I travel for half of my life so why get all excited about leaving home. I do that too much as it is. We did manage a trip to Chattanooga TN to pick up our youngest from school and went out to Maryland to see the rest of our children so it's not like I have been vegging on the couch. As mush as that sounds nice right now.

I was finally able to see our grandson in Maryland and that was a really nice time. Here is an image of Mom and Baby. I am really liking the black and white for these intimate shots as the shadows tell the story without the interference of too many colors in the shot.

This was taken with the 5D Mk II and n EF 70-200 f/2.8 IS USM lens. Focal length was all the way back to 70 mm. Speed was 125th second at f/2.8 with the ISO at 160. What I was playing around with was my EX 580 II speedlight stuck inside a Lastolite EZbox. This would boos the key light the exterior window was already providing. All the adjustments were in Lightroom and then shout over to Photoshop for the double image treatment.

Thats it for now, I'll have another shot up tomorrow.

Cya... Doug

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