Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Matrix Remix

I saw a version of this on a video and wanted to recreate it. It could be a collection of any images but looks best when the images are of the same subject of different poses. This is really up the alley of the digital photographer as we seem to take just a few more images than our film driven counterparts. During tough economic times seeing nine smaller images of your baby might just make more sense than one or two larger prints.

The matrix can be produced three different ways. First in photoshop as a single large print, or nine smaller prints and assembled and matted together in a larger frame. The thirst method is to produce nine 10x10 rapped frames or standouts ready to hang on the wall as individuals elements.

The baby shots in the image above are from my daughter and her little guy. Ideally the baby shots should be somewhat high key on a white background. That way the blending works better for the matrix but you get the idea.

Take care... Doug

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