Ok, so what's wrong with this picture and the title to the post. How does the Apple website mesh with the thought of giving, donating, or anything humanitarian. Wasn't Apple under some kind of environmentalist hit list. So what gives?
Seems the people in Apple orchard like to reach out and effect people on a larger scale than is realized. Oh! Isn't it American Idol that directs millions of dollars towards different humanitarian programs. Yes Bertie, I think it is. But what is the vehicle that is being used to gather those millions. Ding-Ding-Ding, you guest it... iTunes. The uber megga successful music machine of Apple creation.
So back to the story at hand. You see that little cross at the bottom right of the Apple home page above.
Yep, you guessed right again, it is for the Red Cross. Go to Apple.com and click on the red cross and you will be directed to the following page.With a simple click, you can direct funds directly to the Red Cross in support of the Earth Quake-Tsunami-Nuclear Disaster in Japan.
I am not here to pull on your heart string and plead for a donation (unless you are interested to donating to the Doug Peek Early Retirement Fund) on behalf of the Red Cross but if you want to continue to see really cool and advanced camera gear from Japan, they could use a hand up in rebuilding there country. Take some time and watch some YouTube videos from the "Japan Tsunami" and you will see more devastation than you will care to.
Anyhow after you click the amount you want to donate, all you need to do is confirm the donation.
It is billed directly to your iTunes account and viola money gets to people who can really use it. WHAT! You don't have an iTunes account! Ok so write out a check and send it to the Red Cross, I'm sure they will not return it.
Take care all... Doug
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