Friday, October 7, 2011

Morning the Loss

Yesterday morning I thought it only appropriate to display on my iPad, this Apple logo that I worked up in recognition of the death of Steve Jobs. I am not a person who morns the loss of celebrities and the rich and famous. I do not spend a lot of time morning the loss of close acquaintances but rather enjoy the memories of the times I have been privileged to know and be in their presence.
I do however reflect, and recognize the greatness of individuals that have passed. Steve Jobs was one such individual. Listening to the news on Thursday the descriptive words were visionary, genius, inspired as well as inspiring. All these are true about Steve Jobs and so the best way I know how to celebrate this creative visionary' legacy is to make it to my meeting on the 14th at the Verizon office to purchase my iPhone 4s or as it has been said since his passing the iPhone Four Steve.

It will be good, I am sure. Take care all... Doug

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