Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Many Parts Make The Whole

I was watching a Photovision video and there was a photographer in Salt Lake City by the name of Busath that was selling multi shot panoramic prints of large family photos. There is a very structured technique to do this properly but the best I had to play with was from the directory shoot I did for our church last year. I still had the images on my MacBook Pro (let's not go there) so I pulled in the pastoral staff to see what I could come up with.
The screen grab below shows the layer stack for the image.
I am not going to go into the technique but the background I used was for the individual shots were good for that purpose but it required me to completely pull the families off the background. onOne's Mask Pro struggled because there was just not enough contrast between some of the hair and the background. Photoshop's quick selection tool and Refine tool was the best ticket but still required a good dose of tough-up selection.
Anyhow the image weighed in at 1.06 Gigabytes. The jpeg file for print at 240 dpi still came in at 24 Meg. This tuned out to be a 15 inch by 64 inch image. I can just see it in canvas in the churches office.
If you have ever heard about sharpening needs to be the last thing you do before exporting or printing. When I am in Photoshop I like to use the High pass filter for sharpening. Here is what you end up with when you sharpen and then resize.
This was not an issue at all in this case because it was just one click to turn off the sharpening layer.
This week will get crazy really quick. I get home and leave the next day be there for our granddaughters birth. on Friday.

Take care for now... Doug

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