Monday, April 4, 2011

Two Starts Posting

I thought I would try something that I haven't before. Start a post on my iPad while not in a WiFi area and push it up to the web when I get to my hotel room. Ok, nothing earth shattering here. I did need something to do while sitting at one of my favorite restaurants. That would be Carrabas Italian Grill.
Ok so onto the real post. I said the other day that I would put up a post on the lighting setup for my pregger session. Well, I didn't get to it. Don't you just hate that when someone drops the ball. So it's just a blog and for the ten people who may be tracking ok, I'm sorry.
The shoot was with constant light which used to be called hot lights but with the daylight balanced flouresents available today they are far from hot. They may not have the warm temperature of a 500 watt incandescence that's what the temperature slider is for in Lightroom. Yes I could get some a gell and work it so it would be right in the camera, but technology wins this one hands down.
Here is the setup:
At the top of the diagram is a six foot opening from the studio to a sunroom that is a giant soft box after about 10:00 AM. Normally the opening is closed with a pair of pocket doors so I can work with the studio lights.
A while back I had picked up a sectioned folding divider from Hobby Lobby and have been waiting for the opportunity to use it. The two soft boxes were covering a pair of Westcott TD5 Spider Lights (below) to provide the constant light.

I had replaced one set of five thirty watt bulbs with the fifty watt kit. That left me with five spare bulbs. I also had picked up a Photobasics green screen kit which came with an umbrella softbox with on incandescent bulb. Westcott also sells a unit that is really slick.
It handles the 30 Watt bulbs just fine. It does not put out enough light to light a backdrop but it really shines in product work as a kicker.
Well I got the post in. I have been working on a project that I should have something up here in a day or two.

Take care... Doug

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