Tuesday, May 10, 2011

PDX - Day One

Today was a busy day once we got going and left the Denny's from breakfast. We headed east out of Portland on I-84 or US 30 towards Hood River. We had been over this route before but it was the first for our oldest son. We decided to do two falls, Trillium Lake and Timberline Lodge up on Mt. Hood. It was a pretty aggressive goal but we were determined once we got going.
The first stop ended up not being any of the fall but a very popular site that is a must for photographers f you come through the Columbia River Gorge. It is Vista House just East of Portland OR.
I do not have the falls completed yet but will get to that probably tomorrow. The big deal though was being able to get up to  Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood. We were not sure this was going to be possible as they had ten feet of snow just one week prior to our arrival. 
This following shot was take off the side of the road about twenty miles northeast of Mt. Hood.

One of the shots I was really looking forward to was a reflecting shot off of Trillium Lake of Mt. Hood. As I turned the car off the road onto the forest access road we cam upon a Road Closed gate with about five feet of snow on the other side. O well... Guess we can't fight mother nature. The road up the mountain was just fine though. Here is a picture from within the Lodge that shows how much snow they get up there.
Most of the windows on the lower level are boarded up but this was one that was an the "lighter" side of the lodge. The next image is from the third floor lounge looking up the mountain.
The sun had broken up the early morning overcast and the contrast between the white snow and the deep blue sky was simply spectacular. On the way don the mountain I pulled over and took this next picture. You might want to note the orange sticks on the side of the road are ten feet tall and are used to identify the side of the road for the plows after a fresh snow.
Tomorrow it is off to Astoria and Cannon Beach where we will be for the next couple of nights. I'll get something up tomorrow night.

Take care for now... Doug

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