Thursday, April 9, 2009

Who… What… Where... [Part 4]

Present to Future

Who Am I

As I stated previously, we remain happily married, enjoying watching our children continue to develop into responsible adults. While I do not consider myself over the top religious, I maintain a strong personal relation with my saviour and faithfully attend and am involved in our local church.

As far as who I will become, it is my goal to be even more devoted to my wife, and my Lord while we enjoy our grandparent years and maintaining a youthful spirit within.

What Am I Doing

This has three parts (Hmm I sense a trend here) being aviation, photography, and personal. As a check airman, I am enjoying actively participating in maintaining a operational standards elevating the level of safety and performance we provide our clients. Photographically we started Peek Digital Photography in late 2007 and have been having a great time setting things in motion. My flying schedule allows more than just a casual effort in photography as I work seven days and am off seven days. Personally my wife Evelyn and I are enjoying a quasi empty nest lifestyle. Nothing beats a warm day when we can get out on the Harley and just wander around the countryside.

Where Am I Going

My plan is to continue to maintain my position with NetJets while enjoying my pursuit of this photographic venture are adventure as the case often is. Where we end up will be determined by where the light in our path is shining.


There you have a four blog post synopsis of who I am, what I am or have been doing, and where I have been and going and am planning on going. My life has not been as simple as these posts may reflect but it is a good thing to summarize the highlights of ones life. One major area I have intentionally left out of this synopsis is the importance of our children. I mentioned we have three adult children before but they are so much more than that. Tim, Sandy, and Tom are all virtuous individuals with values I wish I had at their age. I credit this mostly to my wife Evelyn in their upbringing. Yes we maintained a common purpose and were 99.9% in agreement in how were would raise the kids. That has been rewarded in the adults they have become.

I hope this has given you some insight into our lives and who we are. Todays portraiture session or wedding environment is much more a collaborative process than sitting down, snapping a few images, and off you go. My desire is to provide an environment to allow the creative process to be expressed in a fun photo shoot resulting in fabulous looking images.

If you have hung around and are still reading these posts, I want to thank you for allowing me into your life and expressing mine in such a cathartic way.

Take care… Doug 

Here are the links to the series:
Part 1 Introduction
Part 2 School to Professional
Part 3 Professional to Present

1 comment:

sparks3463 said...

I enjoyed reading your series. Makes me want to do one. I think that's where Facebook comes in for me. Wish you were here. Looking forward to you taking lots of amazing pictures of Levi next week! Have a great Easter weekend!