Thursday, June 11, 2009


More often than not it is the ones that you don't expect that surprise you. That is just the case with the image above. This was taken back in May after we had picked up Tom (pictured) from school in Tennessee and went out to Maryland to see our first grandson.

This particular setting was in the nursery and I was getting some test shots for the set-up. Baby's being what they are generally are very unpredictable when it comes to their disposition. Pre-setting as much as possible really helps to get the shots you can use. All this to say that Tom was sitting in a rocking chair with natural light coming in from his left. I used a Lastolite EZbox with an EX 580 II speedlite to boost what was available and give a nice catchlight in the eyes.

Post processing was all done in Lightroom using Matt Kloskowski's 300 (the movie) effect preset and then some final tweaks. Adding some dirty brushes and dark tone excentuates the grunge look. Tom had no idea this image was going to be used for anything but I must thank him for being a lighting stand-in. With lighting all set, camera set, it was time for the real shot. Mom and Grandson have a seat and I was only able to get six or seven shots before little Levi had enough. If I had not preset, it would have been a bust. the final image was posted on May 21st and was titled OMG It's a Baby.

Here is the original test shot just to see the before and after images.

Have a great day now... Doug 


Jeff Selph said...

That's incredible. I wish I had your photography talents. It's one of those things I enjoy despite having little to no talent.

Doug Peek said...

Jeff, Comments are always encouraging. Talent... Hmm... Those are God given. If I have that, it is relatively new other wise I will consider it a skill. One which is learned and practiced. It does take time though.
Take care my friend and don't be afraid to point and click!